Žuggling Koncert – translations

here, ofcourse you can find all the translations we have!


  1. OUJEA
    OH YEAH!
    … OH YEAH!
    OoooooooooooooooooooooooH YeeeeeeeeeeeeeAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH!
    oh yeah! oh yeah! oh yeah! oh yeah! oh yeah! oh yeah! oh yeah! oh yeah!
    This is Juggling concert
    We are Mismo Nismo [eng. WeAre weAreNot]

2. ZOKI [cover song of Otroci socializma – Pejd ga pogledat Brane]
Yesterday our bank collapsed
the State gave it more money and sold it
like it’s done normally
manager tied it’s legs so it’s ankles wouldn’t drift apart while it was loosing liquidity
I felt terribly awkward
when the state said to me …
x2 Go make a profit, Braneee
go make a profit, Braneee nooooo!!! x2
x2 Go make a profit Zoki nooooo!!! x2
[Zoki is the street name of a very corrupt mayor of Ljubljana that among other things
destroyed a circus space]
the pussycat puffed on the
holy day of the Šugli Mugli!

Up down left right x2
Up down left right
and to the center x8
a little to the left
a little more to the right x2
But mostly forward
into the future
our beautiful clean future
full of technological advancements
Full of hopes and no second thoughts
and no one holding us back
[violence] dear audience, everything is in order, everything is proceeding like in other
member states.
They say that the world rests on the shoulders of the young but actually on the young the
world is collapsing!!!


Because young people are lazy and we refuse to work
Everybody just wants to
study, think
and bluff
we are all creative
but the toilet is dirty
we are all creative
but the plate is empty
Because young people are lazy and we refuse to work
Irresponsible, passive, envious, full of ourselves, egoists
Critical of everything
and left fascists!

heavy industry
heavy industry of culture
clap on me
entertainment industry
Our mission is your entertainment
we are the chosen
we are sent here
we were sent because we were chosen
we sent, but they haven’t
and solutions
solutions are compromises
they are saving us
that’s why we owe them
A ballad for all the compromises
they are making the difficult decisions
this are the heaviest decisions
heavy are their decisions
which they are making
and their souls are being fulfilled
A ballad for all the compromises
they are making compromises
with compromises
they are saving the system
this are heavy decisions
heavy are their decisions
that they are making
and filling up their souls
A ballad for all the compromises

Srbo-hrvatski (verovatno)




  1. OUJEA

oh yeah
oh yeah
oh yeah
oh yeah


Ieri è crollata la nostra banca,
lo Stato le ha dato più soldi e l’ha venduta,
come al solito.
Il direttore le ha legato le caviglie,
così che le sue gambe non se ne andassero
mentre stava perdendo liquidità.
Mi ha disgustato
quando lo Stato mi ha detto:
vai a trarne profitto, Brane,
vai a trarne profitto, Brane, dai!
Vieni a vederci Zoki (il sindaco corrotto di Lubiana),
vieni a vederci Zoki, dai!
vai a trarne profitto, Zoki,
vai a trarne profitto, Zoki, dai!

Su, giù, sinistra, destra,
un poco a sinistra, un po’ più a destra
e verso il centro,
ma soprattutto avanti nel futuro,
il nostro bello, pulito futuro
pieno di progressi tecnologici,
pieno di speranze e nessuno che ci trattiene,
pieno di progressi tecnologici,
pieno di speranze e nessun ripensamento.

Cantante donna: come donna io esigo che la smettiate di fare fottuti commenti sul modo in cui parcheggio!

Uomo violento: gentili spettatori, è tutto sotto controllo, tutto procede come negli altri Stati membri.

Dicono che il mondo si regge sui giovani,
invece il mondo crolla sui giovani

Noi giovani siamo pigri e non vogliamo lavorare,
Noi giovani siamo pigri e non vogliamo lavorare,
tutti vogliamo solamente studiare, pensare e bluffare,
perché noi giovani siamo pigri e non vogliamo lavorare.
Tutti siamo creativi ma il bagno è sporco,
tutti siamo creativi ma il piatto è vuoto,
perché siamo pigri e non vogliamo lavorare.
Irresponsabili, passivi, invidiosi,
pieni di noi stessi, egoisti.


Industria pesante dell’intrattenimento.
Applaudi per me,
industria dell’intrattenimento.
Applaudi per me,
industria dell’intrattenimento.
La nostra missione è il vostro intrattenimento.
Noi siamo i prescelti,
siamo stati mandati qui,
siamo stati mandati
perché siamo i prescelti…
Ma non hanno risposto.

Cannone ad acqua!
Costa un sacco di occhi,
costa un sacco di soldi!
Sul sedimento di una soluzione idrosolubile
pianteremo fiori per i poliziotti
o cosa?!

Problemi e soluzioni,
soluzioni e compromessi.
Ci stanno salvando,
ecco perché gli dobbiamo
una ballata per tutti i compromessi accettati.
Stanno prendendo le decisioni difficili,
queste sono le decisioni più pesanti,
pesanti sono le decisioni
che stanno prendendo
e le loro anime si stanno realizzando.
Una ballata per tutti i compromessi.
Stanno scendendo a compromessi,
con i compromessi
stanno salvando il sistema.
Queste sono decisioni pesanti,
pesanti sono le decisioni
che stanno prendendo
e riempiendo le loro anime.
Una ballata per tutti i compromessi.

Cirkuški umetnik/ Plesalec/ Performer /Pedagog/oblikovalec zvoka



Kratka predstavitev

Tjaž Juvan (1991) je diplomirani Socialni pedagog (Univerza v Ljubljani, 2016) in profesionalni cirkuški artist s specializacijo iz ekvilibrizma (Cirko Vertigo, 2015-2017). Je nagrajenec programa circusnext (2018-2019) s predstavo NOise Cirkus(2019) in Urbana Ljubljana (2022) s predstavo Žonglerski koncert (2020). Poleg tega je tudi avtor predstav Noister(2020) in Glasbena miza (2022) ter so-avtor predstav Rutina (2019) in Chi? Come? Quando? (2018). Je ustanovitelj in član kolektivov Mismo Nismo, Compagnia Leggera in Cirkusarna NaokROG. Bil je tudi koreograf in svetovalec pri predstavah Niti (2019), Prag (2021) in gravitacija perspektive (2023) umetnice Danijele Zajc. Kot performer je sodeloval v več produkcijah Fondacije Vertigo: Nothing for something (2016), Impromptu (2016), Vertigo christmas show (2015-2016; 2016-2017), Exit (2017), Odissea: Another journey (2017), …

V svojem delu se ukvarja z interdisciplinarnim pristopom kjer svoje cirkuško znanje spaja z drugimi disciplinami in umetniškimi zvrstmi. Pri vseh avtorskih projektih (razen Rutina, 2019) je bil tudi avtor ali so-avtor glasbe ter oblikovalec zvoka. Poleg tega pa prakso cirkuškega giba povezuje tudi s sodobno plesnim izrazom katerega je podrobneje preučeval na različnih seminarjih in izobraževanjih pod vodstvom mednarodno uveljavljenih koreografov in plesalcev (Ohad Naharin, Guy Shomroni, Sitha Osthmeier, James Finnemore, Guy Nader,…).

Velik del svojega časa namenja tudi poučenvanju cirkuških disciplin ter pedagoškemu delu z najstniki in otroci. Vodi redne tečaje stanja na rokah in občasne žonglerske seminarje. Za delo z mladimi uporablja metodo cirkuške pedagogike, ki se jo je naučil v združenju Cirkokrog katerega član je že od leta 2007.


Njegova zgodnja leta je preživel v nastopanju v alternativnih prostorih in skvotih v Ljubljani, kar je bistveno vplivalo na njegov pogled na umetnost in družbo nasploh. Odnos do dela stila “naredi sam” je ostal močno zasidran v njegovih nadaljnih umetniških udejstvovanjih.

Če so bili njegovi prvi koraki v cirkusu polni mladostne nedolžnosti in energije, je bil njegov vstop v svet sodobnega plesa bolj zrel in metodičen. Ko je videl razliko v pristopu in filozofiji giba med cirkusom in plesom, se je popolnoma poglobil v svoje osebno raziskovanje sodobnega plesa. V ta namen je obiskal veliko tečajev in delavnic svetovno priznanih koreografov_inj: Ohad Naharin, Sita ostheimer, Dor Mamalia, Keren Rosenberg, …

Bil je klasično glasbeno izobražen v saksofonu, kar pa se je končalo tako, da je v času obiskovanja Gimnazije prodal svoj saksofon in si kupil monocikel, ter se skoraj odrekel ustvarjanju glasbe. A njegova povezanost z glasbo ni izzvenela v nič, saj je kasneje poprijel nazaj po klarinetu in saksofonu, ter se tudi spostil v svet elektronske in eksperimentalne glasbe. Po tem je glasba zmeraj ostala z njim v njegovih kreacijih in težko ločimo njegovo cirkuško ustvarjanje od njegove glasbe.

In zadnji košček sestavljanke za razumevanje njegovega uprizoritvenega besednjaka je fizično gledališče. Ima dolgo zgodovino sodelovanja z dvema ruskima klovnoma iz moskovske šole (Natalija v Ravilu Sultanov), ki sta ga uvedla v fizično komedijo in sodobno klovnado in ga spodbudila, da je sledil številnim različnim delavnicam svetovno znanih klovnov: Yve Menetes, Joana Bassi, Korolevski Giraf,.. .

Poleg umetniškega ustvarjanja se Tjaž veliko ukvarja tudi s pedagoškim delom. Cirkus ga je popeljal tudi na študij socialne pedagogike, saj si je želel posvetit socialnemu cirkusu in delu z ranljivimi skupinami. Danes je Tjaž že dolgoletni član društva Cirkokrog (Društvo za cirkuško pedagogiko) in redno izvaja delavnice in tečaje za mlade in stare. Med njegovimi rednimi in dolgoletnimi tečaji so tečaj Stoje na rokah, akroples, cirkošola. Skupaj z društvom Mismo Nismo pa izvaja tudi intenzivne večdnevne delavnice za profesionalce in pol-profesionalce.

Medijske objave


Hoču pozorište: „Deca sunca” svečano otvorila 57. BITEF (del članka o predstavi Načini obstajanja)


Priredba i društvo: Koliko je tesan tvoj život? – o cirkuskoj predstavi „Načini postojanja“; 23.8.2023


Neodvisni: V orbiti (kritika predstave Gravitacija perspektive); 4.10.2023


Radio Študent: Ana Desetnica v šotoru (del članka je kritika predatave Glasben miza; 20.8.2023



Radio Študent: Intervju in poročilo s predstave Glasbena miza v Cirkulaciji 2; 7.12.2022


Una TV, Vanja Seničić: Lice pravde; Savremeni cirkus i umetnički život na rubu; 8.11.2022


Radio Študent, Hana-Uma Zagmajster: Festival I6nor 2022; 3.11.2022


Radio Študent, Metod Zupan; Dobimo se na Reciklartu; 11.8.2022



Neodvisni, Urška Preiss: Mojster in/je stroj; 16.9.2021


Radio Študent, Samo Oleami: Kulturna dignoza, intervju – Mismo Nismo; 29.11.2021


RTVS oddaja oder, Rok Bozovičar: Mismo Nismo: Do kam seže cirkus?; 26.1.2021



Oktober 2020: Izbor in umestitev predstave Žonglerski koncert na spletno platformo Zlata paličica. https://www.zlatapalicica.si/predstava/zonglerski-koncert/

28.avgust 2020: »Novi cirkus nove realnosti« Recenzija Nike Arhar festivala Klovnbuf in refleksija predstave Žonglerski koncert na portalu Neodvisni.


21.julij 2020: »Prid jih pogledat Zoki«: Recenzija Samota Oleamija festivala Ana Desetnica in predstave Žonglerski koncert v rubriki Teater v Eter radia Študent. https://radiostudent.si/kultura/teater-v-eter/prid-jih-pogledat-zoki


31. december 2019: “Med improvizacijo in perfekcionizmom”: Uvrstitev projekta NOise Cirkus med odrskih Top 2019 po oceni kritikov v časopisu Dnevnik.


1. julij 2019: “Cirkuške koreografije teles in predmetov”: Recenzija Nike Arhar Festivala Klovnbuf in naše produkcije NOise Cirkus na portalu Neodvisni.


16. Maj 2018: Refleksija o vezi ljudi i stvari, Plesna scena.hr; prispevek Marine Barun:


20. December 2018: Mismo Nismo in Ex-teater; prispevek Mihe Turka na Radiu Študent: https://radiostudent.si/Kultura/Teater-v-eter/Mismo-Nismo-in-Ex-teater

Junij 2018: Predstava NOise Cirkus kolektiva Mismo Nismo izbrana med lavreate programa CircusNext (evropska platforma sodobnega cirkusa)

Spisek del


Projekt Načini obstajanja: Mismo Nismo, Tri groša, Cirkusfera; Soavtorici: Danka Sekulović, Ana Pinter

avtor, izvajalec, oblikovalec zvoka

Festival Neobični obitelji (Split)

Festival Trojne salte (Lj)

Festival Cirkobalkana/bitef (Bg)

Projekt Misija šotor!: Gradbeni oder: Društvo Mismo Nismo; somenotorja/ici: Oton Korošec, Eva Zibler

mentor, izvajalec, producent

Festival Trojne salte (Lj)

Mini cirkuški festival: ZA ŠOTOR! (Lj)

Cirkus na Kraterju (Lj)

Projekt Gravitacija perspektive: Društvo Mismo Nismo; avtorica: Danijela Zajec

oblikovalec zvoka, svetovalec za gib

Festival Imaginarius (Portugalska)

Festival Ana Desetnica (Lj)

Mini cirkuški festival: ZA ŠOTOR! (Lj)

Post-produkcija Glasbena miza: Lastna produkcija, soavtor: Jurij podgoršek

Avtor, izvajalec, producent, oblikovalec zvoka

Festival Ana Desetnica (Lj)

Festival Klovnbuf (Lj)

Mini cirkuški festival: ZA ŠOTOR! (Lj)

Cirkus na Kraterju (Lj)

Split calling (Split)

Post-produkcija Žonglerski koncert: Društvo Mismo nismo – Avtorji: Tjaž Juvan, Oton korošec, Eva zibler

Avtor, izvajalec, producent in glasbeni producent

Klanjac (hr)

festival Periskop (Rijeka)

festival Lurupina (Hamburg)

festival Neobičnih obitelja (Split)

Post-produkcija NOise Cirkus — Društvo Mismo Nismo — Izvajalci: Tjaž Juvan, Oton Korošec, Eva zibler

Avtor, izvajalec in oblikovalec zvoka

festival Radart (Lj)


Projekt Glasbena miza: Lastna produkcija, soavtor: Jurij podgoršek

Avtor, izvajalec, producent, oblikovalec zvoka

Festival ana desetnica (Lj)

Festival Reciklart (Lj)

Festival Cirkobalkana (Bg)

Rdeča ostriga (Škofja Loka)

Festival I6nor (LJ)

kutturni center Lojze Bratuž (gorica, IT)

Cirkulacija 2 (Lj)

Festival Ana Mraz (Lj)


Projekt Misija Šotor – Društvo Mismo Nismo; Avtorji in mentorji: Tjaž Juvan, Oton Korošec, Eva zibler

avtor, izvajalec, mentor, producent, oblikovalec zvoka

Festival Ana Desetnica (Lj,Mb, Sežana)

Ljubljana, lastna organizacija

Gotropolis (Ng)


Obletnica Metelkove (Lj)

Festival Ana Mraz (Lj, Nm)

Projekt Noister: Val³ – lastna produkcija, soavtor: Staš Vrenko

Avtor, izvajalec in producent, oblikovalec zvoka

Festival Brocante (Frisanco, IT)

Post-produkcija Žonglerski koncert — Društvo Mismo nismo – Avtorji: Tjaž Juvan, Oton korošec, Eva zibler

Avtor, izvajalec, producent in glasbeni producent

Kulturni bazar, Cankarjev Dom (Lj)

Festival Ana desetnica (Lj)

Post-produkcija Prag — Danijela Zajec (izvajalka in producentka)

Koreograf in glasbeni producent/oblikovalec zvoka

Ljudski dom šentvid (Lj)

Post-produkcija predstave Etida za preprariran klavir – Danijela Zajec

oblikovalec zvoka

Obletnica Metelkove (Lj)

Pedagoško delo:

projekt Cirko šola – Mentorja: Tjaž Juvan, Eva Zibler

organizator, pedagog

redna srečanja, Športno društvo Tabor (Lj)

Projekt Misija Šotor – Društvo Mismo Nismo

Redna srečanja in mentorstvo udeležencem, prostori Društva Matafir (Lj)

Delavnice Stoje na rokah; Zračni vzgib – Drutšvo Matafir


redna srečanja (2x na teden); prostori Društva Matafir (Lj)

intenzivni tečaj, Magacin (Bg)

intenzivni tečaji metode Mismo nismo; Društvo Mismo Nismo; Mentorji :Tjaž Juvan, Oton Korošec, Eva Zibler

mentor, pedagog

večdnevni tečaj na programu Šugla, Gledališče Ane Monro (Lj)

Ostali projekti:

Predstave in animacija na srednjeveškem festivalu Hochhosterwitz (Austrija)

Predstava Kdo sedi za mizo? in cirkuške delavnice za otroke (Nm)

Enkratne cirkuške delavnice (Rdeča ostriga, Novo mesto, kočevje, Cirkobalkana)

Radijska oddaja Jutranji padec – Radio študent

Avtor prispevkov

Mesečna pol urna oddaja


Projekt Noister: Val³ – lastna produkcija, soavtor: Staš Vrenko

(prilagoditev projekta iz 2020 iz filma v predstavo)

Avtor, izvajalec in producent, oblikovalec zvoka

Klub kulture Križevci (HR) julij

Festival Klovnbuf (LJ) julij

Festival Cirkobalkana (SR) september

Cirkulacija 2 (LJ) Oktober

Post-produkcija Žonglerski koncert — Društvo Mismo nismo – Avtorji: Tjaž Juvan, Oton korošec, Eva zibler

Avtor, izvajalec, producent in oblikovalec zvoka

Festival Ana Desetnica (MB) julij

Festival Prestopi (MB) julij

Festival Cirkobalkana (SR) september

Trainstation SubArt (KR) december

ČMC Zalog (LJ) december

Post-produkcija NOise Cirkus — Društvo Mismo Nismo — Izvajalci: Tjaž Juvan, Oton Korošec, Eva zibler

Avtor, izvajalec in oblikovalec zvoka

Festival Klovnbuf (LJ) julij

Intimni oder (MB) oktober

Trainstation SubArt (KR) december

Produkcija Prag — Danijela Zajec (izvajalka in producentka)

Koreograf in glasbeni producent/oblikovalec zvoka

Stara mestna elektrarna (LJ) november

Radijska oddaja Jutranji padec – Radio študent

Avtor prispevkov

Mesečna pol urna oddaja

Pedagoško delo:

Delavnice stoje na rokah – lastna organizacija

Celoletno izobraževanje

Projekt: Cirko šola – Društvo cirkokrog v sodelovanju s ŠD Tabor

redne delavnice za otroke z namenom učenja cirkuških disciplin in nastopanja

Projekt Na glavo, v nebo – Društvo Matafir

Intenzivni vikend cirkuških veščin in umetnosti — Bovec, september

Zračni VzGib – Društvo Matafir

Kontinuiran celoletni program cirkuškega giba


Projekt: Žonglerski koncert – Društvo Mismo nismo – Avtorji: Tjaž Juvan, Oton korošec, Eva zibler

Avtor, izvajalec in glasbeni producent

Beograd; Magacin Kraljevića Marka (delo v nastajanju) 17.- 23. februar

Kreativna četrt Barutana; Kamnik, 2. oktober

Trg brez zgodovinskega spomina AKC Metelkova mesto; Na festivalu odklonskih entitet (delo

v nastajanju) Ljubljana in na mesečnem dvoriščnem programu kluba Gromka Julij pred

Gromko, 7. julij in 15. september

Na notranjem dvorišču Plave lagune za Bežigradom na festivalu ulične umetnosti Ana

Desetnica, delo v nastajanju, 4. julij

Kozarišče; Festival Plavajoči grad (Floating castle), delo v nastajanju, 31. julij

Premiera predstave na festivalu sodobnega cirkusa in klovnade Klovnbuf, 9. avgust v mestni

kotanji MSUM ploščad, 9.avgust

Zagreb, cirkuški šotor, festival Cirkobalkana, delo v nastajanju, 8. julij

Projekt: Noister (delovni naslov – Efemerno kiparjenje) – lastna produkcija, soavtor: Staš vrenko

Avtor izvajalec in producent, oblikovalec zvoka

kratki igrani film Noister #1: iskanje zadnje frekvence; snemalec: Maj Vrenko; Svetovalci: Andreja Kopač, Oton Korošec, Eva Zibler, Ravil in Nataša Sultanov

Projekt: Nihanje in nehanje – društvo Matafir v koprodukciji z društvom Mismo nismo

Kratki igrani film . Igralci: Danijela zajec, Jaka Andrej Vojevec, Tjaž Juvan, Jerca Rožnik Novak, Oton korošec, Eva zibler; oblikovalec zvoka: Andrej Fon; snemalec: Miloš Čidrić

Radijska oddaja Jutranji padec – Radio študent

Avtor prispevkov

Mesečna pol urna oddaja

Pedagoško delo:

Delavnice sodobne žonglaže – društvo Mismo nismo – mentorji: Tjaž juvan, Eva Zibler, Oton Korošec

5 dnevne intenzivne delavnice; KC Magacin, Beograd; organizator: Cirkusfera

Delavnice stoje na rokah – lastna organizacija

Celoletno izobraževanje

Projekt: Cirko šola – Društvo cirkokrog v sodelovanju s ŠD Tabor

redne delavnice za otroke z namenom učenja cirkuških disciplin in nastopanja

Enkratne delavnice:

Center za slovenščino za tujce, FF

Žok Novo mesto

Rudi potepuški


PROJEKT: NOise Cirkus –  Društvo Mismo Nismo – Izvajalci: Tjaž Juvan, Oton Korošec, Eva zibler

Avtor, izvajalec in oblikovalec zvoka

– Celje: MCC Celjski Mladinski Center v sodelovanju s Hišo Kulture Celje. Predstavitev dela v nastajanju

6. december

– Split:21. december;Hala 100; Predstavitev dela v nastajanju

Marchin, Belgija:rezidenca in 2 predstavitvi/nastopa.Latitude 50 – Pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue: Rezidenca: 18. november – 1. december.Predstavitev z udeležbo občinstva: 22. november. Predstavitev dela v nastajanju: 29. november

Ljubljana: predstavitev/nastop. Kongres Internacionale anarhističnih federacij, Trg brez zgodovinskega spomina, Metelkova. Predstavitev dela v nastajanju: 26. julij

– Ljubljana: rezidenca in predstavitev/nastop. Klovnbuf, Stara Mestna Elektrarna (organizira Zavod Bufeto – zavod za razvoj cirkuško gledaliških umetnosti). Rezidenca: 15. junij. Predstavitev dela v nastajanju: 16. junij

Pariz: 2 predstavitvi/nastopa. Théâtre de la Cité internationale, predstavitev cirkuških kompanij s podporo Jeunes Talents Cirque Europe (Circus Next). Predstavitvi dela v nastajanju: 14. in 16. marec

Pariz: rezidenca in predstavitev/nastop. l’Espace Périphérique. Rezidenca: 1. marec. – 10. marec. Predstavitev dela v nastajanju: 7. marec 

Torino: rezidenca  in predstavitev/nastop. Fondazione Cirko Vertigo. Rezidenca: 13. – 27. februar. Predstavitev dela v nastajanju: 27. februar

PROJEKT: ŽONGLERSKI KONCERT – Društvo Mismo Nismo – Izvajalci: Tjaž Juvan, Oton Korošec, Eva zibler

Avtor izvajalec in glasbeni producent

– Ljubljana Nastop na kostanjevem pikniku na Fužinah. Organizacija: Zavod Bufeto. 4. Oktober-

– Ljubljana Nastop na festivalu ulične umetnosti Ana Desetnica v Ljubljani5. Julij

– Ljubljana- Predstavitev dela v nastajanju na kongresnem trgu na »cirkuškem ponedeljku« na festivalu Klovnbuf v organizaciji Zavoda Bufeto 17. Junij

– Ljubljana Nastop na festivalu Prvovrstni padec raznovrstnosti. Cirkusarna NaokRog: Avtonomna tovarna Rog. Organizacija: Društvo Mismo Nismo; 8. junij

Hrastnik Predstavitev dela v nastajanju na mednarodnem festivalu performativnih umetnosti Rdeči Revirji 25. Maj

Projekt Niti – Danijela zajec

Režijsko, dramaturško in koreografsko svetovanje in podpora

3 ponovitve

Radijska oddaja Jutranji padec – Radio študent

Urednik in avtor prispevkov

Mesečna pol urna oddaja

2019 – ostali projekti

– avtorska točka Searching na odprtem odru v splitu, november 2019

– avtorska ulična predstava Miza, zavod Bufeto, četrtne skupnosti polje, Ruski car, župančičeva Jama, september 2019

– Predstava Rutina, Cirkusarna Naokrog(Mismo Nismo:

Hrastnik, Rdeči Revirji, 23. maj 2019


PROJEKT: NOise Cirkus –  Društvo Mismo Nismo – Izvajalci: Tjaž Juvan, Oton Korošec, Eva zibler

Avtor, izvajalec in oblikovalec zvoka

Ljubljana:Rezidenca in predstavitev dela v nastajanju V EX-teatru. Zunanje oko in svetovanje: Liza Šimenc 5. december

Zagreb:Rezidenca v AKC Mediki v okviru evropskega programa Circusnext ter trodnevna javna prezentacija (21.11-23.11) V galeriji Miroslava Kraljevića

Novi Sad: rezidenca in predstavitev dela v nastajanju na festivalu Cirko Balkana v okviru evropskega programa Circusnext. Umetniško svetovanje, zunanje oko: Peter James, September

Neerpelt, Belgija: Predstavitev dela v nastajanju v gledališču Op de Markt, kot del selekcijskega tedna v okviru evropskega programa Circusnext. Maj

Split: Rezidenca in predstavitev dela v nastajanju v ROOM100 v okviru evropskega programa Circusnext, Maj

Zagreb: Rezidenca in predstavitev dela v nastajanju na festivalu Cirko Balkana v okviru evropskega programa Circusnext, maj

Pariz: Rezidenca in predstavitev dela v nastajanju v prostoru za umetniško kreacijo Espace pheripherique- La Villete, v okviru evropskega programa Circusnext, April

2018 -ostali projekti

Predstava Rutina, Cirkusarna Naokrog/Mismo Nismo:

-Ljubljana, Ana Mraz, 27. in 30. december 2018

-Maribor, Ana Mraz, 28. december 2018

– Ljubljana, Ana Desetnica, 5. julij 2018

– Sodelovanje z Elrow na dogodku Street parade v Zürichu, Švica

– Predstava »Rutina« s Cirkusarno NaokROG na festivalu Ana Desetnica, Ljubljana

– Predstava »Kdo? Kje? Kdaj?« s skupino Compagnia Leggera na festivalu Klovnbuf, Ljubljana

– Predstavitev dela v nastajanju »Kdo? Kje? Kdaj?« Compagnie Leggere na dogodku Cirkus na mesec, Zavod Vitkar, Ljubljana


– Ulična predstava »Rutina« s skupino Cirkusarna NaokROG na festivalu Ana Mraz v Ljubljani

– Otroška cirkuška predstava »Medvedja usluga« z društvom Cirkokrog na Festivalu Ana Mraz v Črni na Koroškem in Škofji Loki

– “Odissea: Another journey” s Cirko Vertigo na festivalu Sul filo del Circo, Italija

– “Vertigo Christmas Show” s Cirko Vertigo v gledališču Teatro Le Serre, Italija

– Okenska akrobatijada “Potovanje v Šangri-La” v sodelovanju z Danijelo Zajec za obletnico Metelkove v Galeriji Pešaki

– Predstava “Vertigini Circense” s Cirko Vertigo na dogodku Notte Rossa v Maranello, Italija

– Predstava “Circofollia” s Cirko Vertigo v gledališču Terese Belloc, Italija

– Predstava “Tri kosmate” na festivalu Plavajoči Grad, grad Snežnik


– “Nothing for something”, predstava in rezidenca s Cirko Vertigo, Auch, Francija

– Organizacija in izvedba festivala eksperimentalnega cirkusa “Padec” v Tovarni Rog

– “NOise Circus” z Mismo Nismo na festivalu “Padec” v Tovarni Rog

– “Vertigo Christmas Show” s Cirko Vertigo v gledališču le Serre, Italija

– Predstava na Torino fringe festival, Italija

– “Impromptu” v gledališču Le Serre, Italija

– Site specific predstava “kale” with Tri ali štrije kosmati na festivalu Plavajoči Grad, Slovenija


Show duration: 30 minutes


– show can be performed outdoors or indoors. On a stage or any other flat surface

– it can be performed completely without the need for electricity if it’s hard to provide connection to the electrical grid.

-the equipment can run on batteries.

– this needs to be decided in advance before the performer starts his tournée


– 7x7m non-inclined flat floor with a uniform surface (not on grass, dirt, pebbles, etc.)

– height at least 3,5 meters, optimal 5 meters

– preferably not close to any roads, traffic or transport routes

– not close to fountains or sources of water that can spread droplets to the equipment

– cannot be performed under rain no matter the intensity

-wet floor is okay as long as there are no puddles in the performing space

equipment that comes with the show:

– table 1,5x1m

-wooden plank 1,5x1m

-2 chairs

-3 clubs and one ball with sensors inside

– computer

– audio interface

– possible to provide PA speakers as well, but needs to be arranged in advanced and there is a possibility of higher transport costs

Equipment needed:

– 2 PA speakers with a frequency response from 40-20000hz

– balanced audio cables that connect my audio interface to PA system:

one of this 3 options:

-2x balanced 6,3mm jack cables or

– 2x balanced 6,3mm jack to xlr cables

– 2x mono jack 6,3mm -> 2 D.I. boxes → 2x xlr cables

– extension cord for electricity on the performing space (possible to do the show also without electricity if decided in advance)


– show lasts 30 minutes

– the show needs cca 30 minutes to setup, but it’s necessary to do the sound check before

– the show need 30 minutes to clear and leave the performing space

– soundcheck:

– if everything is connected already, sound check lasts around 30 minutes

– if there are more repetitions of the show in the same day but not directly one after the other every next sound check will last around 10 minutes

– if the repetitions of the show are in different locations and using different equipment (PA system) the soundcheck will need to last 30 minutes

– battery life:

– some equipment runs on batteries and needs to be charged.

– If there are more than 2 repetitions of the show. Or the equipment for some reason need to be turned on for more than 1 hour (for example; waiting for the show to start) there needs to be a break before the next show that last around between 40 minutes and 1,5 hours.

– maximum of 4 shows can be performed in one day. But not directly on after another.

Special conditions for indoors:

– adequate light needs to be provided

– if performed on stage one light technician needs to be present during the setup and during the show

– a more specific discussion needs to be had with the technical team in advance, to determine

How the lights will be set.

– if technician cannot be present during the setup and during the show, there is a possibility that one technician comes with the show, but this as well needs to be decided in advance


– performer needs to have some drinking water on or close to the performing space

– if anybody reads this to the end, I will bring them a present from Slovenia

– if there is food provided b the organizer, than the performer kindly asks that it be vegetarian food

– access to a toilet

For all questions and comments contact me on mail: tjaz.juvan@gmail.com or on my phone or whatsapp (Tjaž): +38640622160

Mismo Nismo [eng. WeAre WeAren’t) is a new alt-art circus collective based in Slovenia. We are pessimists who want to embrace the uncertainty of the future through experiences of the present. Our aesthetic is raw, experimental and full of flaws. To us Form is an experiment and the Idea is everything.

Our circus story

Even before we met circus to us meant a form of rebellion. We didn’t like how the society was run, we despised the mainstream pop culture of our peers, we thought we knew better and we wanted to express that. It was about doing something different, outside of what was expected of us. And it was fun.

The circus scene that we got to know was very interwoven with the Slovenian alternative art scene, questioning always the »normal« and »abnormal« of society, of art, circus, … It was not done for money and no amount of money could ever recreate the magic of the shows that were done there, even though, honestly, the production level of the shows was not very high.

Because of that, to us circus is and always will be a form of self expression and a social-critique. It was those early years that helped us start shaping our personal styles as well as our outlook on the world. It helped us to seek our dreams and then it became our dream and at the end it became or is becoming our way of life. It is a part of our friendship and our shared memories.

Another big aspect of circus for us is its ambiguous and inclusive nature. To us circus is in one way an art form that involves many many different disciplines, with many different and unique people from all around the world. And it is about mastery and unbelievable feats on the edges of human capacity. But on the other hand it is much more subtle than that, like a common language or just a separate emotion, a way of thinking.

We never stopped to ask ourselves what circus is and what does it represent to us or when does circus stop being circus? At the same time we were all also big fans of Noise music, which asked the same/similar questions about music. So influenced by Noise we started experimenting with improvisation, non-stage presence, working with objects we have never worked with before the show, … It was about trying to do a circus show without any actual circus knowledge or at least with on the spot ideas that came from the specific objects. We believed that because of our extensive experience with circus and its’ practices, we could create a show, without any circus skills or disciplines and it could still be called a circus show. After all it is context of the work, that defines contemporary art as such and not the actual content that is inside.

The aforementioned work led us to start using discarded objects, which led us to further examination and analysis of societal understanding of possession, things, consumer goods, trash,… As well as the heavy and dangerous influence our consumerist mindset has on environment. In a way it was the dissection of circus and it practices that led us to find and explore deep rooted habits and beliefs of our society.

And that in it’s self is a perfect analogy of what circus and art in general really is. A unique path, a tool that opens up new other paths that might be always there, but nobody cares to look. And we as a group will continue doing just that, while having fun. If somebody will follow, it’s up to them.

Body of work

The Mismo Nismo association was officially founded in 2018, but as an informal group or The Mismo Nismo collective has existed since 2014. The aim of the association is to develop and expand and educate in the field of modern and more experimental forms of circus. The association is also well connected with various organizations with similar visions and goals throughout Europe.
The Mismo Nismo association cooperated with the following organizations:
Bufeto Institute, Ana Monroe Theater, Radio Študent, Bunker Institute, Emanat Institute, Celje House of Culture, Red dawns festival,KUD Moment, Trainstation Kranj, Fourklor, Cirkorama Association, Cirkusfera organization, Cirkobalkana Festival, Skala Association, Fondazione Cirko Vertigo, Jeunes Talents Cirque Europe (Circus Next), Théâtre de la Cité internationale, l'Espace Périphérique, Latitude 50 - Pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue, Theater op de Markt, Hala 100, Kam Hram, Galerija Miroslava Kraljevića, Festival Reciklart, Avtonomna tovarna Rog, AKC Metelkova, Ex -theater, International Anarchist Federation

We attach links to our most important responses and articles:

November 2021: performans "Treshold" by Danijela Zajc. News coverage: 

September 2021: "Tribute to Rog" Review of the "etude for prepared piano" by Danijela Zajc, written by Samo Oleami:

September 2021:  "Master and/is machine" review of "noister: Wave³" by Tjaž Juvan, written by Urška Preis: 

October 2020: Selection and placement of the play Juggling Concert on the online platform Zlata paličica
Žonglerski koncert
August 28, 2020: "The New Circus of the New Reality" Review of the Nike Arhar Clownbuff Festival and a reflection on the play Juggling Concert on the Neodvisni portal. https://www.neodvisni.art/refleksija/2020/08/novi-cirkus-nove-realnosti/ July 21, 2020: "Come and see them Zoki": Review of Solitude Oleami by the Ana Desetnica festival and the performance Juggling Concert in the section Theater in the Ether of Radio Študent. https://radiostudent.si/kultura/teater-v-eter/prid-jih-pogledat-zoki August 9, 2020: Contribution to POP TV, Clownbuff Festival and appearance in characters from the show Juggling Concert. https://www.24ur.com/popin/domaca-scena/magicnost-cirkusa-na-mednarodnem-festivalu-sodobne-klovnade-in-novega-cirkusa.html December 31, 2019: “Between improvisation and perfectionism”: Ranking of the NOise Cirkus project among the stage Top 2019 according to critics in the newspaper Dnevnik. https://www.dnevnik.si/1042918333/kultura/splosno/pregled-leta-med-improvizacijo-in-perfekcionizmom?fbclid=IwAR1QLAmgtOrwdvILm1Em-CX11fMdHby70wfz6vJukwx39vCT July 1, 2019: “Circus Choreographies of Bodies and Objects”: Review of the Nike Arhar Clownbuf Festival and our NOise Circus production on the Independent portal. https://www.neodvisni.art/refleksija/2019/07/cirkuske-koreografije-teles-in-predmetov/ 16. May 2018: Reflection on the connection between people and things, Plesna scena.hr; contribution by Marina Barun: https://www.plesnascena.hr/index.php?p=article&id=2197 December 20, 2018: Mismo Nismo and Ex-theater; contribution by Miha Turk on Radio Student: https://radiostudent.si/Kultura/Teater-v-eter/Mismo-Nismo-in-Ex-teater June 2018: Performance NOise Circus of the collective Mismo Nismo selected among the laureates of the CircusNext program (European platform of modern circus) https://www.rtvslo.si/4d/arhiv/174825037?s=tv 2021 - production of "Etude for prepared piano" by Danijela Zajc - co-production of performance "Treshold" by Danijela Zajc - post production of show "Juggling concert" - post production of show "Noise Cirkus" - post production of show "threads" - Co-production of streaming events "cirkus klub Mezzoforte" - Intesive weekend "Na Glavo v nebo, Circus in mountains". Circus and theater workshops - workshops of handstands, full year - workshops of Aerial dance and acrobatics, full year - workshops of juggling, full year 2020 - Movement and sound workshops on the Jam Marmalade project - Co-production; Circus club Mezzoforte: Miniature of Šuštarc. 1 repetition - Co-production of the project Oscillation and Termination, production by the Matafir Society, short film - Co-production of the project ephemeral sculpture by Tjaž Juvan and Staš Vrenko, short film - Production of the play Juggling Concert, 8 performances, financed by the City of Ljubljana and the Ministry of Culture - 5-day intensive course in modern juggling and building manipulation, Belgrade (Cirkusfera) - Regular Acro-Dance Course in the NaokROG Circus, once a week - Regular Courses Standing on hands in Circusnara NaokROG, 1x per week - Regular aerial acrobatics courses in Cirkusarna NaokROG, 2x per week - participation in the Brocante 2020 Festival in the “site-specific” performance VORBEWUSSTE - Hai mai immaginato di esplorare ... 2019 - Production of the play NOise Cirkus, 10 performances of work in progress; 4 residences - Pre-production of the play Juggling Concert, 5 performances of work in progress - Co-production of the author's play by Danijela Zajec - Niti - Co-production of the play Rutina, 1 performance - Participation in the preparation of the Radio show Morning Fall on Radio Student, - 7 shows - Preparation of the 2-day festival First Class Fall of Diversity in Circusarna NaokROG - Regular Acro-Dance Course in the NaokROG Circus, once a week - Regular Courses Standing on hands in Circusnara NaokROG, 1x per week - Regular aerial acrobatics courses in Cirkusarna NaokROG, 2x per week - 2-month course Movement: Unlisted in Circusarna NaokROG, 8 workshops - Organization and implementation of the DIY cabaret cycle: Feminism is not a joke !, 6 performances - post-production of the author's performative performance by Eva Boka Ziblje, 5 performances 2018 - Production of the play NOise Cirkus - 7 performances in progress; 7 residences - Co-production of the play Rutina - 3 performances - Participation in the preparation of the Radio show Morning Fall on Radio Student, - 6 shows - Organization and implementation of the DIY cabaret cycle: Feminism is not a joke !, 5 performances - Regular aerial acrobatics courses in Cirkusarna NaokROG, 2x per week - post-production of the author's performative performance by Eva Boke Ziblje, 1 performance 2017 - Co-production of the play Okenska akrobatijada: Journey to Shangri-la, 1 performance - Organization and implementation of the DIY cabaret cycle: Feminism is not a joke !, 2 performances - 3-day partner juggling workshop in the NaokROG Circus - 3-day workshop Between movement and throw: exploring the movement of bodies and objects 2016 - Organization and implementation of the festival of experimental circus "Fall" in Tovarna Rog; 12 performances, 5 circus workshops - improvisation by NOise Circus with Misma Nismo at the Padec festival in Tovarna Rog - improvisation by NOise Circus with Misma Nismo at the Reciklart festival in AKC Metelkova Mesto 2015 - Co-production of the author's performative performance by Eva Boka Ziblje, 1 performance 2014 - Co-production of the author's performative performance by Eva Boka Ziblje, 1 performance - Production of the play Post-apocalyptic cabaret - Mismo Nismo, 3 performances

Na idilični lokaciji “Pod Virje” v bližini Bovca, med devetimi gorami in izvirskimi vodami, bo potekal intenzivni vikend cirkuških veščin pod krošnjami in zvezdami. Preskusile_i se bomo v stojah, partnerski akrobatiki, akrobacijah na zračni tkanini, žongliranju, jogi in še čim. Če nimaš izkušenj in si želiš poskusiti, super. Če že imaš izkušnje in si želiš nadgraditi znanje, tudi super. Za vsako_ega se bo našlo to, kar potrebuje. Za domačo vegansko hrano bo poskrbljeno, šotoriti bo možno na sami lokaciji, ob tabornem ognju, poskrbele_i pa bomo tudi za dodatne aktivnosti. Zmigaj se in pridi na cirkus!.

DATUM: 10.-13.9 2021

.:: U R N I K ::..

PETEK, 10. 9.
17:00 Prihod in registracija
18:00 – 20:30 Akro gib
21:00 Večerja

SOBOTA, 11. 9.
7:30 – 8:30 Jutranja joga
8:30 – Zajtrk
*10:00 – 13:00 Zračna tkanina – beginner class
*10:00 – 13:00 Stoje na rokah
*10:00 – 13:00 Gledališka delavnica
13:00 – Kosilo
*15:00 – 18:00 Zračna tkanina – intermediate class
*15:00 – 18:00 Delavnica žongliranja
18:00 Večerja

NEDELJA, 12. 9.
7:30 – 8:30 Jutranja joga
8:30 – Zajtrk
*10:00 – 12:30 Zračna tkanina – beginner class
*10:00 – 13:00 Stoje na rokah
*10:00 – 13:00 Gledališka delavnica
13:00 – Kosilo
*15:00 – 18:00 Zračna tkanina – intermediate class
*15:00 – 18:00 Delavnica žongliranja
18:00 Večerja

7:30 – 8:30 Jutranja joga – v samoorganizaciji
8:30 – Zajtrk
*10:00 – 13:00 Akro gib
*10:00 – 13:00 Zračna tkanina – beginner&intermediate class
*10:00 – 13:00 Gledališka delavnica
13:00 – kosilo
15:00 – odhod

*V vsakem terminu bosta na voljo dve do tri ločene delavnice. V primeru manjšega števila si pridržujemo pravico do spremembe programa.


Jutranja joga bo namenjena prebujanju naših teles in povečanju zavedanja diha ter čutenja. Skozi nežne raztege preko asan, bomo ustvarjali ravnovesje med aktivacijo in popolno sprostitvijo.

ZRAČNA TKANINA (Danijela Zajc)
Na delavnici se boste imele_i možnost spoznati z osnovami te discipline, če osnove že poznate, boste lahko svoje znanje nadgradile_i.
Raziskovale_i in učile_i se bomo različne načine ogrevanja, vaj za moč, stabilizacijo, koordinacijo in fleksibilnost skozi vaje na tkaninah. Osredotočile_i se bomo na iskanje različnih dinamičnih prehodov skozi statične trike, razskovanje enostavnih elementov ter prehodov med njimi, raziskovanje gibanja znotraj posameznih elementov. Prav tako se bomo posvetile_i preparativnim tehnikam za učenje naprednejših tako dinamičnih kot statičnih trikov.
Delavnica bo prilagojena zmožnostim udeleženk_cev. Tako je primerna popolnim začetnicam_kom, kot tudi osebam z osnovno in srednjo stopnjo znanja.

Na delavnicah bomo šli skozi mnogo različnih metod in princopov, ki lahko pripeljejo do stoje na rokah, ki vam bi jo zavidal_la vsak_a gimnastičar_ka. Preko zmesi igre, resnih in poglobljenih raziskovanj ter specifičnih propedevtično naravnanih vaj se bomo dotaknili najpomembnejših osnov stoje na rokah: vaj za moč, raztegovanja in vaj za mobilnost, postopnega raziskovanja inverzije (obračanja na glavo), vaj za pravilno držo v stoji (zelo pomemben element, ki lahko mariskoga reši pred kasnejšimi zapleti v sklepih ali hrbtenici), delo na ravnotežju (povezava uma in telesa), ostala “obrnjena” ravnoteža in njihovo raziskovanje

Osnovni ideji sta raziskovanje giba preko predmeta in raziskovanje cirkuške manipulacije samih objektov.
Del delavnic je usmerjen v raziskovanje gibanja z eno ali več žogicami. Žogica kot nevtralen objekt za manipulacijo, zaradi svoje preproste oblike omogoča poglobitev v odnos med telesom in objektom. Del delavnic pa bomo posvetili tehničnem aspektu žongliranja; se učili novih trikov in tehničnih vaj za izboljšavo žonglerskih sposobnosti . Udeleženci in udeleženke bodo delale s poljubnim žonglerskim rekvizitom (žogice, keglji, obroči), del vaj pa bo rekvizit enak za vse (žogice).

Na delavnici se bomo prek zabavnih iger in vaj spoznavale_i z veščinami odrskega nastopanja, urile_i se bomo v odrski prezenci, koncentraciji, odzivnosti, improvizaciji. Pokukale_i pa bomo tudi v nekatere tehnike klovnade in commedie dell’arte.

AKRO GIB (Tjaž Juvan)
Pri delavnicah akro giba se bomo posvetile_i razčinim principom gibanja, ki so značilni za cirkuški svet. Tako se bomo dotaknili akrobatike in akro plesa (povezave sodobnega plesa in akrobatike), ter tudi partneringa in partneske/skupinske akrobatike. Cilj delavnice je raziskovanje našega telesa preko zgoraj naštetih principov ter ustvarjanje lastnega gibalnega izraza, tako da boste na koncu delavnice lahko ustvarile_i kratko sekvenco, ki bo povsem vaša in unikatna.

V ceno delavnic – “all inclussve” so vključeni trije slastni veganski obroki dnevno. Kuhala nam bo specialistka za vegansko prehrano Nežka Struc. Večina sveže zelenjave in žitaric bo iz ekološke kmetije Pr’Bzgar.

“Glej spodaj obrazložitev”

ALL INCLUSSIVE: 160€ (135€ – *zgodnje prijave)
EN DAN DELAVNIC + HRANA + PRENOČIŠČE: 85€ (70€ – *zgodnje prijave)
ENA DELAVNICA: 35€ (25€ za lokalke_ce)
ENA DELAVNICA+EN OBROK(kosilo/večerja): 40€
VSE – BREZ DELAVNIC (kampiranje, 3 obroki na dan): 30€/dan

*zgodnje prijave sprejemamo do vključno 31.8.2021.


Za prijavo se šteje izpolnjen prijavni obrazec: https://forms.gle/9mSC2CkZif8ZMXdH9 ter nakazilo akontacije 70€ na Društvo Matafir, Celovška cesta 62, 1000 Ljubljana, TRR: SI56 6100 0001 1582 244 Zadeva: “Na glavo, v nebo”. Preostali znesek poračunamo ob prihodu.
Odpoved in refundacija je možna do 4. 9. 2021, kasnejših odpovedi ne refundiramo. V primeru odpovedi dogodka zaradi višje sile vam povrnemo celotno prijavnino.


TJAŽ JUVAN je šolani cirkuški umetnik in socialni pedagog, ki se s cirkuškim ustvarjanjem in poučevanjem ukvarja že več kot desetletje. V svoji umetniški karieri je veliko raziskoval povezave med cirkusom in ostalimi umetniškimi zvrstmi, še posebej gledališčem in sodobnim plesom. Razvil je svoj pristop k cirkuški kreaciji in se podrobneje posvetil prav metodiki učenja cirkuških veščin. Poučeval, se uril in nastopal je po celi Evropi kjer je preizkusil in se naučil veliko različnih pristopov, ki jih sedaj
uporablja na svojih tečajih in delavnicah. Trenutno je član cirkuškega kolektiva Mismo Nismo in kot pedagog deluje tudi v društvu za cirkuško pedagogiko – Cirkokrog.

DANIJELA ZAJC (1985), univ. dipl. pedagoginja in sociologinja kulture, je performerka, pedagoginja, producentka in tehničarka. Znanje o sodobnem plesu, performansu, uličnem gledališču in sodobnem cirkusu že 10 let intenzivno pridobiva na različnih izobraževanjih ter delavnicah doma in v tujini. S področja zračnih akrobacij je trenirala pri svetovno znanih mentoricah_jih, kot so: Steve Boyd, Emililano Ron, Gabriel Tramullas, Hristina Šormaz, Alexa Schonenberger, Una Bennett, Hanna Coeckelberghs, itd.. ter že 9 let trenira pri priznanem koreografu in plesalcu Branku Potočanu, Leta 2020 se je udeležila intenzivnega izobraževanja “Teacher training course for dynamics and C- shape movement” pod mentorstvom Alexa Allan-a. Zadnjih 6 let deluje kot pedagoginja rednih delavnic zračnih akrobacij na tkanini. Poleg mnogih krajših performansov je avtorica dveh sodobno-cirkuških predstav Niti in Etida za prepariran klavir in vrv.Organizacija: Društvo Matafir

je gledališki režiser in performer. Ima več kot petnajst let izkušenj z različnimi gledališkimi tehnikami in pristopi. V tem času se je spoznaval z veščinami dramske igre, gledališča zatiranih, fizičnega gledališča, sodobnega plesa, commedie dell’arte, bufonov, sodobne klovnade idr. V zadnjem času pa se bolj posveča tudi cirkuškim veščinam in akrobatiki.

Že kot najstnica sem svojo joga prakso, prepletatala s poučevanjem pilatesa – ljudi s težavami v hrbtenici. Znanje in delovanje človeškega telesa sem pogobila s študijem medicine. Študij medicine in lastna Joga praksa, sta me spodbudila za poglobljeno preučevanje in razumevanje Joge – v Indijo sem se odpravila po znanje ter tam pridobila svoj prvi učiteljski certifikat ter se pobližje spoznala s prečudovito vedo o življenju, Ajurvedo.V eni od lokalnih inštitucij sem opravljala prakso z Ajurvedskim zdravnikom. Jogo od leta 2013 poučujem somostojno, kot KendinaYoga. Sedaj kot dr.med – združujem znanje alopatije s holističnimi pristopi.

Soorganizacija: Društvo Mismo Nismo
Projekt podpira JSKD

Circus artist/dancer/performer

Slovenia – Ljubljana


Short introduction

Tjaž Juvan is a Slovenian performing artist based in Ljubljana. His interdisciplinary approach has led him to exploring relations between circus, dance, music and physical theatre, trying to stretch the borders between the disciplines as thin as possible. He is a member of collective Mismo Nismo (eng: we are, we are not) that he established with his colleagues in 2018. 
He earned a degree at the Scuola di cirko Vertigo (circus school Vertigo) in Turin that he attended from 2015-2017. During this time he also finished his bachelors studies in social pedagogy at the University of Ljubljana. His circus base is in juggling and object manipulation, but during his time in the circus school he specialised at balancing on chairs and handstands.


His early years were spent performing in alternative spaces and squats which fundamentally influenced his view on art and society in general. The DIY and "get your hands dirty" attitude from those places has remained with him and is a big influence on his way of working. 
If his first steps in circus were full of youthful innocence and energy his entry into contemporary dance world were more mature and methodical. Seeing the difference in approach and philosophy of movement between circus and dance, he immersed himself fully into his personal research of contemporary dance. Following classes from many different teachers and choreographers such as: Ohad Naharin, Sita ostheimer, Dor Mamalia, Keren Rosenberg, ...
He was classically  musically educated in Saxophone, which ended with him selling his old saxophone to buy a new unicycle in his teens. But his connection to music did not fade into non-existence since he started to dabble in electronic music production, klezmer clarinet and especially loud experimental leaps into noise genre.
And the last piece of the puzzle to understanding his performing vocabulary is physical theatre. He has a long history of collaborating with 2 Moscow school trained Russian clowns (Natalija in Ravil Sultanov) who introduced him to physical comedy and pushed him to follow many different classes of world renown clowns: Yve Menetes, Joana Bassi, Korolevski Giraf,...
Remaining time he had, he spent using circus as a pedagogical approach to reaching kids and youth. Being  himself a "troubled youth" and "an annoying brat" once,  he wanted to give something back to the community. He is a member of Cirkokrog which is a Slovenian association for circus pedagogy.

Body of work

Body of work is summarised to the more important projects (post-production not included) – for the full body of work contact Tjaž directly


- Ways of being (circus duet in 2m^2): performer, sound designer
-Mission Tent!: scaffolding stage (continuation of the project from 2022)
- Perspective's gravity (interdsiciplinary aerial performance): movement consultant, sound designer

- Music table (multimedia/circus street performance): author, performer, sound designer, producer
- Mission Tent! (group project teaching street performing by performing): author, mentor, performer, sound designer
- Juggling concert (post-production)
- Prag (post-production
- Etude for prepared piano (aerial-musical perfromance):sound designer

- Noister: wave^3 (interdisciplinary circus-musical performace): author, performer, producer
- Prag (aerial circus performance): choreographer, sound designer)

-Juggling concert (juggling and musical show): co-author and performer,producer
- Noister (a short film, sound art and circus): author,performer, producer  
- Nihanje in nehanje (a short circus film): co-author and performer
- Noise circus (improvised circus show with discarded objects and noise music): co-author and performer, producer
- Niti (threads) (aerial rope show): choreographical and directorial advisor
- Radio show on slovenian radio about circus: editor

- Rutina (circus show): co-author, performer,  producer
- "Who? Where? when?" (circus show): co-author, performer,
- Path to Shangri-La (circus in windows)
- Bears favor (circus kid's show): co-author, performer, producer
- Odissea: Another journey (circus show): performer
- Circofolia (circus show): performer
- Vertigini Circense (circus show): performer

- Nothing for something (circus show): co-author, performer
- Improptu (circus show): performer
- Padec (Festival of experimental circus) organiser
- Vertigo christmas show (circus show): performer
- Kale (circus show): co-author, performer

informal education (master classes, workshops)

- Pau Aran (online)
- Fabian Thome
- Jon Ole Olstad (online)
- Lynn Jamieson (online)
- Fulvio Faudella (online)
- Scott Jennings (online)
- Jermaine Spivey (online)
- Eric Beauchesne
- Luca Signoretti
- Tony Panaro

- gymanstics classes (full year)
- Fraser cooper
- Tom Weinberger
- Guy Shomroni
- elita Cannata
- Celia Amade
- Pedro Goucha Gomes
- Dario Dinuzzi
- Sita Ostheimer
- Dor Mamalia
- Keren Rosenberg
- Dario Rigaglia
- Yael Cibulski
- James Finnemore
-Ohad Naharin

- Marie-Celine Daubagna
- Valentina Cortese
- Cristina Fontanelle

- Guy Nader
- Joana Bassi
- Elodie Donaque
- Pascal Angelier
- Malte Peter
- Edward Alleman
- Stefan Sing

2015 - :
- Sven Demey
- Korolevski Giraf
- Yve mentes
- Gonzalo Arias
- Irena Tomažin
- Jaša Jenull
- Noël Spauwen

Oton Korošec – author, performer, Mismo Nismo personified

Studied at the Vertigo Circus School in Turin, specializing in equilibrism. Before, during and after school, he attended many juggling workshops, seminars, intensives and conventions. His first performing steps were made in stage performances at the alternative culture center (Menza pri Koritu) which had a big influence on his later development as an artist. He is all juggle and no drop.*

*may or may not be true

Eva Zibler- author, performer, singer

Finished L’École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq and bachelor of anthropology and french. She is a core member of the collective since the beginning. Started juggling and performing in High school and since then she collaborated with many underground and upperground collectives and productions in Slovenia and abroad. Linguist minimalist, thinking about the ontology of circus.

Tjaž Juvan – author, performer, music producer

Studied at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana (graduate social pedagogue; 2016) and the Vertigo Circus School in Turin with a specialization in equilibrism (2015-2017). He studied dance and movement for several years after various seminars and workshops around Europe (some names: Ohad Naharin, Guy Shomroni, Sitha Osthmeier, James Finnemore, Guy Nader, …). In Ljubljana, he began his artistic career during high school in the nethers of Menza pri koritu with monthly antishows Cirkus kabare (2010-2013). He to is a core member of the collective. And he does music.


One of the most important circus skills and a very good physical exercise with which we can get our body in shape, and at the same time learn one of the most important acrobatic tricks. Standing on our hands is one of the building blocks of acrobatic movement, as it strengthens our physical and spatial awareness. However, because standing on our hands is a demanding element when we do them on our own, many people give up before the visible results are shown. In the workshops, we will go through many different ways that can lead to a handstand that any gymnast would envy.

The workshops consist of:

  • – strength exercises
  • – stretching and mobility exercises
  • – gradual exploration of inversion ( being upside down)
  • – Exercises for proper posture and muscle activation in a handstand
  • – working on balance (connection of mind and body)

The exercises are designed to help you learn the correct exercises in a safe environment under the supervision of the watchful eye, while also overcoming certain fears that may arise when turning upside down. For complete beginners, we will start with simpler exercises such as standing on the head, frog, crocodile,… While for those who are already familiar with standing, the emphasis will be on tips for further improvement of standing on the hands.

Here are a bunch of facts why hand-standing exercise can be helpful (besides all the obvious reasons, of course 🙂

 1. Strengthen your upper body.
 when exercising handstands, the whole body must be active, and most of all it strengthens the muscles in the arms, shoulders and upper back.

 2. It helps to improve your sense of balance and body awareness.
 If you have ever tried to stand on your hands, you know that strength alone is not enough. When standing, our body and mind are always very present/connected, as all muscle groups must constantly adapt, balance and interact with each other in order to achieve a state of balance.

 3. They can improve your overall mood / well-being.
 Not only will you become a master of balance, you may also feel better in general. Blood flow to the brain is calming and can increase energy levels, especially if you feel stressed. Another way in which standing exercise can help your mood is to reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol.

 4. core strength all the way!
 There is no need to spend hours and hours just doing crunches and planks. Hand-standing is very effective for strengthening the body core, as it requires a lot of stabilisation. Because turning upside down forces you to constantly stabilise your muscles, constantly working on your abdominal muscles as well as other key muscle groups such as pelvic floor muscles, external oblique abdominal muscles (slashes), internal thigh muscles and lower back. With regular exercise, you will get a well-balanced and strong center, which can help prevent further injuries and back pain.

 5. They help with bone health, circulation and respiration.
 Because handstands are a type of a (body)weight exercise they help strengthen bones, and in addition, a properly performed standing exercise is beneficial for the health of your spine and bones in your arms, shoulders and wrists. At the same time it also relieves pressure on the legs and feet and at the same time stretches the diaphragm, which can increase blood flow to the lungs. 

The workshops are intended for anyone who has the desire to expand or deepen their performative vocabulary. Although the workshops are largely based on juggling and object manipulation they are intended for both juggling experts and beginners. They are focused on artists who are interested in contemporary performative practices and wish to expand their knowledge, as well as those who are still thinking of doing their first steps into this wonderful world.

Beograd KC Magacin 2020

Workshops normally follow an intensive schedule of full or half day workshops spanning around 5 or 6 days (be it one working week or two consecutive weekends).

The basic ideas are the exploration of movement through the object and the exploration of the circus manipulation of the objects themselves. Part of the workshops is focused on exploring movement with one or more juggling balls. The ball, as a neutral object for manipulation, due to its simple shape allows for deepening in the relationship between the body and the object. In the other part we will work on the technical aspect of juggling; learned new tricks andvarious technical exercises that will help deepen your understanding of movement and juggling principles.

There is also a possibility to work with non-circus related objects that are brought by the participants themselves and with which they would like to develop their own work / production. This kind of work is based on the use of the participant’s already existing knowledge and the connection of this knowledge with the methods members of Mismo Nismo developed for working with ordinary objects.

At the aerial acrobatics workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn about the basics of this discipline, but
if you already know the basics, you will be able to upgrade your skills. Workshops will adjust to
opportunity, time frame, participant’s age and skills.

The workshop will consist of a floor and aerial part.
Floor part will consist movement on border to contemporary dance, partnering, acrobatics, handstands. It
will be intertwined with warming up, stretching, static and dynamic exercises to enhance strength,
exercises for body coordination, balance, stabilization, exercises for the hand and head stand, bridge,
cartwheel. In the second part you will learn the climbing basics on aerial silks and some basic

Ena izmed pomembnejših cirkuških veščin in zelo dobra telesna vadba s katero lahko svoje telo spravimo v športno formo, hkrati pa se naučimo enega izmed pomembnejših akrobatskih trikov.Stoja na rokah je eden izmed gradnikov akrobatskega gibanja, saj preko nje krepimo svojo telesno in prostorsko zavedanje. Ker pa so stoje na rokah zahteven element, ko se jih lotimo sami, veliko ljudi obupa še preden se pokažejo vidni rezultati.Na delavnicah bomo šli skozi mnogo različnih načinov, ki lahko pripeljejo do stoje na rokah, ki vam bi jo zavidal_la vsak_a gimnastičar_ka.

Delavnice so sestavljene iz:

  • – vaj za moč
  • – raztegovanja in vaj za mobilnost
  • – postopnega raziskovanja inverzije (obračanja na glavo)
  • – vaj za pravilno držo v stoji
  • – delo na ravnotežju (povezava uma in telesa)

Vaje so namenjene temu, da se lahko v varnem prostoru pod nadzorom budnega očesa naučite pravilnih vaj, hkrati pa tudi premagate določene strahove, ki se lahko pojavijo pri obračanju na glavo. Za popolne začetnike_ce bomo začeli pri prepostejših vajah kot so stoja na glavi, žaba, krokodil,… Medtem ko bo za tiste, ki se s stojami že poznajo poudarek na nasvetih za nadaljnje napredovanje in izboljšanje stoje na rokah.Če koga slučajno zanima pa sem nabral na kup nekaj dejstev, zakaj je vadba stoje na rokah lahko koristna (poleg vseh očitnih razlogov, seveda:))

Poleg tega da gre za zelo zabaven način vadbe, so stoje na rokah koristne tudi za splošno zdravje telesa ker:

1. Ojača se vaš zgornji del telesa.
pri vadbi stoje na rokah mora biti aktivno celo telo, najbolj pa z njo ojačamo mišice v rokah, ramenih in zgornjem delu hrbta.
2. Pomaga k izboljšavi vašega občutka ravnotežja in zavedanja telesa.
Če ste že kdaj poizkusili_e narediti stojo na rokah veste, da samo moč ni dovolj. Pri stoji sta naše telo in um zmeraj zelo prisotna/povezana saj se morajo vse skupine mišic neprenehoma prilagajati in uravnavati med sabo, da lahko dosežemo stanje ravnotežja.
3. Lahko izboljšajo vaše splošno razpoloženje/počutje.
Ne samo, da boste postali močnejši_e mojostri_ce ravnotežja, mogoče se boste celo bolje počutili, saj pretok krvi v možgane deluje pomirjujoče in lahko poviša raven energije, še posebej, če se počutite pod stresom.Še en način na katerega lahko vadba stoje na rokah pomaga vašemu razpoloženju, je da zmanjšuje produkcijo stresnega hormona kortizola.
4. Krepi naš center.
Ni potrebe, da preživite ure in ure samo z izvajanjem trebušnajkov in plenkov. Stoje so zelo učinkovite pri krepljenju telesnega centra, saj je potrebno veliko stabilizacije.Ker vas obračanje na glavo prisili, da konstanto stabilizirate svoje mišice, nenehno delate na svojih trebušnih mišicah pa tudi na drugih ključnih mišičnih skupinah, kot so mišice medeničnega obroča, zunanje poševne trebušne mišice(poševnice), notranje stegenjske mišice in spodnji del hrbta. Z redno vadbo boste dobili dobro uravnotežen in močen center, kar lahko pomaga pri preprečevanju nadaljnih poškodb in bolečin v hrbtenici.
5. Pomagajo pri zdravju kosti, cirkulaciji in dihanju.
Ker so stoje na rokah vaja s telesno težo pomagajo krepiti kosti, poleg tega pa je pravilno izvedena vadba stoje koristna za zdravje vaše hrbtenice in kosti v rokah, ramenih in zapestjih.Ne samo to, postavljanje na roke poveča cirkulacijo v zgornjem delu telesa, hkrati pa olajša pritisk na noge in stopala in istočasno razteguje diafragmo, kar lahko poveča dotok krvi v pljuča.

Na delavnici plesa na zračni tkanini se boste imele_i možnost spoznati z osnovami te discipline, če osnove že poznate, boste lahko svoje znanje nadgradile_i. Delavnice prilagajamo glede na priložnost, časovni okvir, ter na starost in veščine udeleženk_cev.

Delavnica je sestavljena iz talnega in zračnega dela.

Prvi del bo sestavljal: ogrevanje, raztegovanje, statične in dinamične vaje za krepitev moči, vaje za koordinacijo telesa, vaje za stabilizacijo… V talnem gibanju bomo iskale_i gibalne povezave, ki mejijo na sodobni ples, partnering, akrobatiko in fizični teater.
V drugem delu boste spoznale_i osnove plezanja po zračni tkanini ter nekaj osnovnih trikov, če osnove poznate, boste imele_i možnost znanje nadgraditi z različnimi tehnikami plezanja ter raziskovanjem statičnih in dinamičnih trikov, kot so svingi, padci. Posebna pozornost bo posvečena (dinamični) povezavi med različnimi triki. Trening bo prilagojen zmožnostim udeleženk_cev.

Delavnice so namenjene vsem, ki imajo željo razširiti ali poglobiti svoj performativni vokabular. Čeprav delavnice v veliki meri temeljijo na žongliranju in manipualciji objetkov, so zaradi svoje zvrstne inkluzivnosti namenjene tako žonglerskim poznavalkam kot tudi začetnikom. Fokusirane so na ustvarjalce in ustvarjalke, ki jih zanimajo sodobne performativne prakse in se z njimi že ukvarjajo kot tudi tiste, ki se s tem področjem še spoznavajo.

Delavnice normalno potekajo po intenzivnem urniku dveh podaljšanih vikendov zaporedoma (6 dni) oz enega delovnega tedna.

Osnovni ideji sta raziskovanje giba preko predmeta in raziskovanje cirkuške manipulacije samih objektov.
Del delavnic je usmerjen v raziskovanje gibanja z eno ali več žogicami. Žogica kot nevtralen objekt za manipulacijo, zaradi svoje preproste oblike omogoča poglobitev v odnos med telesom in objektom. V dopoldanskem delu bomo delali na tehničnem aspektu žongliranja; se učili novih trikov in delili različne tehnične vaje, ki smo se jih naučili ter jih razvili tekom našega formalnega in neformalnega izobraževanja. Udeleženci in udeleženke bodo delale s poljubnim žonglerskim rekvizitom (žogice, keglji, obroči), del vaj pa bo rekvizit enak za vse (žogice). Del delavnic pa bo izveden raziskovanju s predmeti, ki jih bi prinesli sami udeleženci in s katerimi bi želeli razvijati svoje lastno delo/produkcijo.
Ta del delavnic bo temeljil na uporabi že obstoječega znanja udeleženca in povezovanja le tega znanja z met.