Things flying in all directions. Strange sounds and live electronic music. Experimental circus show made for all audiences!
This one-man band/circus show/technician/producer interactive piece explores the deep connection between movement, music and circus techniques in a lighthearted manner.
The DIY props are all designed in a way, that they can in one way or another produce or reproduce sounds, which are then processed and sampled via central computer. Therefore movement becomes a way to compose music, which then again influences new movements and so on and on and on and on,…
The audience has a chance to participate in the music creation during the show. This contributes to demystifying electronic music production by making it causally interconnected with simple movements. In this way everyone can be a musician at least for short while, no matter their background and prior experience.
Umetnikovo raziskovanje in iskanje meja med glasbeno in cirkuško performativnostjo presega in se oddaljuje od klasičnega razmerja v katerem po navadi soobstajata ta žanra (zvok kot ozadje za predstavo, oziroma cirkus kot dodatek glasbi). Gre za holistično stapljanje identitete, pristopov in filozofije dveh svetov – glasbenika zvočnega umetnika in cirkusanta/performerja, kjer so vsi aspekti enako prisotni v enem izvajalcu. Popolna sintonija teh dveh aspektov umetnosti je seveda nemogoča, vendar se ravno iz neuspeha in rušenja te harmonije razvijejo med izvajalcem in zvokom interakcije, ki ustvarjajo nov svet/žanr, kjer te klasifikacije postanejo nepomembne, in pridejo do izraza tematike, ki jih želi sporočiti občinstvu.
Strahinja Aćimović, Cirkobalkana Beograd 2022